A New Englander pragmatist, philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer, John Dewey (1859 – 1952) once said that “Education is not a preparation for life; education is life itself.” If this is still true today, Lowell is a life giver. Lowell has been investing in quality education for our youngsters and since I came here eight years ago, I have witnessed outstanding initiatives. These include (a) the freshmen academy, which is doing an excellent job with our 9th graders, (b) the placement of guidance counselors in house offices, making it much easier to resolve student issues, (b) instructional specialists offering direct support to teachers, (d) the housemaster internship which is bringing quicker solutions to multiple discipline issues, (e) the new teacher academy, (f) the centralization of student support services, (g) and several other initiatives that empower teachers and students directly.
As an educational practitioner, I hope that the city of Lowell continues to encourage quality education for our children by providing them highly qualified professionals. Many of our students come from fragmented and economically disadvantaged households and often their only hope is to receive quality education. It is our collective responsibility to tell them that together, we will achieve despite the many obstacles we face as a community. Our youngsters should be able to believe in American’s exceptionalism and the ability to accomplish their dreams because as a community, we are united and we possess the ability and the will to achieve excellence.
I therefore, kindly implore that we stand together and do all we can to erase the widespread notion that our schools are declining in quality. Lowell High School has highly qualified and caring professionals who are cognizant of the limitations we face as a community, state, and nation. They understand and put their hearts and souls into maximizing and celebrating students’ achievement. We need to retain all of our staff members and allow them to continue to do what is best for our children. We are committed to work hard for our students because we understand the value of education, and our students count on us to support their journey to success.
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